Responsibility of the Authors

In the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Taypi, we value and promote integrity and excellence in research and publication. We recognize that published articles are the result of hard work by the authors, and it is essential to maintain clarity regarding the responsibility for the content of each article.
Content Responsibility: All articles published in the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Taypi are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. Authors are primarily responsible for the design of the study, data collection and analysis, interpretation of results, and manuscript writing. The Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Taypi is not responsible for the statements, findings, or conclusions expressed in the articles.
Authorship Declaration: By submitting an article for review and publication in the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Taypi, the authors confirm that they have substantially contributed to the work and comply with the authorship criteria defined in the journal's guidelines. Authors must also declare any conflicts of interest that may influence the interpretation of the results.
Corrections and Retractions: In the event of significant errors or ethical issues in a published article, the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Taypi will collaborate with the authors to address and correct the situation appropriately, which may include corrections or retractions.