Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Revista de Investigaciones
Artí­culos Originales

Visual pollution in Juliaca: automated detection and public perception, 2023

Walter Hugo Lipa Condori
Doctorado en Ciencias e Ingeniería civil Ambiental, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez, Puno, Perú
Tapa Revista de Investigaciones

Published 2024-03-31


  • automated detection,
  • Juliaca,
  • perception,
  • visual contamination

How to Cite

Lipa Condori, Walter Hugo. 2024. “Visual Pollution in Juliaca: Automated Detection and Public Perception, 2023”. Revista De Investigaciones 13 (1): 5-12. https://doi.org/10.26788/ri.v13i1.5788.


In the region of Puno, Peru, visual pollution is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, adversely affecting urban aesthetics and the well-being of residents. Consequently, the challenge arises of effectively identifying and addressing this form of pollution. The study sets out to develop a scientifically-grounded approach for the automated detection of visual pollution and to comprehend its ramifications on the health and general welfare of the local populace. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive survey was undertaken among residents of Puno to gauge their perception of and the consequential effects stemming from visual pollution. Subsequent to this, an artificial vision model was devised employing data derived from images capturing the prevalent visual pollutants found on the streets of Puno. This model facilitated the automated identification and quantification of pollutants. The findings illuminated a widespread prevalence of visual pollutants, significantly correlating with health and well-being concerns among residents. In summary, the study furnishes a robust scientific basis for tackling visual pollution in Puno, underscoring the imperative for interventions aimed at enhancing quality of life and conserving urban aesthetics. Thus, a holistic strategy is advocated, amalgamating sophisticated detection methodologies with an understanding of health impacts, with the aim of mitigating the adverse effects of visual pollution within the región.


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