Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024): Revista de Investigaciones
Artí­culos Originales

Evapotranspiration dynamics in the Lake Titicaca area and the frequency and intensity of drought episodes in the Puno region 2023

Carlos Carcausto Quispe
Universidad Nacional del Altiplano
Tapa Revista de Investigaciones

Published 2024-03-31


  • climate change,
  • evapotranspiration,
  • atmospheric factors,
  • Lake Titicaca,
  • drought

How to Cite

Carcausto Quispe, C. (2024). Evapotranspiration dynamics in the Lake Titicaca area and the frequency and intensity of drought episodes in the Puno region 2023. Revista De Investigaciones, 13(1), 13-25. https://doi.org/10.26788/ri.v13i1.5753


This study analyzes the dynamics of evapotranspiration in the Lake Titicaca area and its relationship with the frequency and intensity of drought episodes in the Puno Region. The methodology employed is classified as applied and correlational, with a descriptive approach to examine the possible influence of atmospheric factors such as temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed on evapotranspiration. The findings highlight a strong correlation (coefficient of 0.9626) between the monthly average atmospheric temperature and evapotranspiration, revealing that approximately 96.26 % of the variability in evapotranspiration can be explained by variations in atmospheric temperature. Seasonal variability is observed, with March recording the highest temperature and significant precipitation, while June exhibits cooler conditions with a decrease in precipitation. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is introduced, providing a detailed representation of fluctuations in precipitation availability over time. This index spans from extremely dry to wet conditions, allowing for a deep understanding of drought patterns in the region. Regarding relative humidity, an extremely low correlation of 0.0002 with evapotranspiration in the Lake Titicaca area is found, indicating a practically nonexistent relationship. Less than 0.02 % of the variability in evapotranspiration can be attributed to relative humidity, suggesting that this factor has minimal influence on evapotranspiration patterns in the Puno Region.


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