Effect of food education on the composition of menus prepared by vianderas of the city of Puno, 2021
Published 2024-03-30
- food education,
- macronutrients,
- menu composition,
- micronutrients,
- nutrition
- vianderas ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Sandra Verónica Martinez Ticona

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Food education can contribute to a better composition of the diets proposed by the vianderas. Based on the above, the objective of this research was: to determine the effect of food education on the composition of the menus prepared by food vendors in the city of Puno, 2021. A quantitative, quasi-experimental, cutting-edge methodology was used. longitudinal without control group. The statistical method included a student T test for dependent samples. The population was made up of vendors from the main markets of the city of Puno, from which a sample of 40 was obtained. Among the results, significant changes were observed in the average values of energy, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber after of the educational sessions. These changes were considered statistically significant, with high t values (5.17, 3.70, 5.45, 5.35 respectively) and a two-sided significance of 0.000. This indicates that the educational sessions had a substantial impact on the means of these nutrients. However, no significant differences were found in the contents of iron, calcium, sodium and potassium. These nutrients showed lower t values, suggesting that the educational sessions did not have a significant effect on their means. It is concluded that there were significant improvements in some macronutrients and micronutrients, the educational sessions had a significant effect on the average values of energy, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. No differences were found in the contents of iron, calcium, zinc, sodium and potassium.
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